Oasi cover image



Converso deals with digital technologies and is a pioneer in remote interpreting (RSI).
Converso is a conference interpreter. Gabriella Suzanne Vanzan is a conference interpreter and is active in the Italian and international environmental scene, where she focuses on climate change and mountain areas.

The events sector in which they both work consumes a lot of energy and has a high carbon footprint. Converso is committed to significantly reducing this footprint through CSR and remote interpreting, reducing unnecessary transport of people and equipment, and exploring solutions that help save energy and decarbonise the business.

Gabriella is doing the same by working to raise awareness of these issues within the conference interpreting community, as every individual or collective decision has an impact on the environment.

From this informal collaboration came the idea of creating an oasis as a further contribution to the protection of biodiversity and pollinators, to raise awareness and to involve other economic and professional actors in a joint effort.

You can join us by adopting a beehive or a nectar-giving tree and contribute to biodiversity conservation, reforestation and carbon sequestration.

The company objectives achieved
Click on the objectives to learn more
The environmental and social impact

The geographical impact



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Expand the hives

You too can help the Oasis grow by adopting a 3Bee beehive

Expand the hives

Expand the trees

You too can help the Oasis grow by adopting a 3Bee nectariferous tree

Expand the trees

Once clicked you will arrive at the page with the hives or trees that you can adopt, grow and take care of!