
Biodiversity Monitoring

We monitor the health status of biodiversity in urban and agroforestry areas through the use of innovative proprietary technologies, aiming to identify targeted actions for regeneration. We ensure compliance with GRI, ESRS, and SASB standards for corporate sustainability reporting.

Biodiversity Assessment

The first step of monitoring consists of site-specific assessment supported by our Digital Oasis platform. The site-specific assessment is then consolidated into a multi-site risk matrix to prioritise actions on the sites at greatest risk to biodiversity.

What is biodiversity monitoring?

To carry out a professional and valid assessment for non-financial reporting purposes, a protocol and methodology that comply with precise standards are necessary. Biodiversity statements without monitoring can have serious consequences due to new laws on green claims.


Scientific Methodology

3Bee's scientific methodology is based on the use of monitoring technologies that provide tangible and measurable data, resulting from collaboration with prestigious academic partners and research institutes.


Standard Compliance

Monitoring biodiversity of your site with 3Bee ensures compliance with international standards ESRS, GRI, and SASB for your corporate sustainability balance.


Transparent Communication

Thanks to biodiversity monitoring carried out with 3Bee, you can communicate clearly and transparently to your stakeholders the results and data of environmental performance obtained.

csrd bg

Are you among the companies subject to the application of the CSRD?

Biodiversity: ESRS4 E4 Integration

ESRS standards are designed to ensure uniformity and clarity in environmental, social and governance reporting (ESG). On the subject of biodiversity, ESRS E4 - Biodiversity and Ecosystems plays a key role, requiring companies to make public their strategic plan in order to ensure that their business model becomes transition-compatible to achieve three targets: no net loss of biodiversity by 2030, net gain from biodiversity by 2030 and full recovery of biodiversity by 2050.


3Bee's Technologies for Environmental Monitoring

Biodiversity impact analysis cannot consist of a self-analysis and self-certification approach where often there's a risk of misreporting. Our methodology is based on objective data and allows evaluating terrestrial biodiversity in line with GRI and ESRS standards and the SBTN framework. We have innovated biodiversity by developing different tools, IoT devices, and AI processing.


HiveTech, our advanced IoT system for beehives, collects and analyzes crucial data on bee colony, such as weight, temperature, humidity, and sound intensity. Using artificial intelligence algorithms, the system provides an accurate assessment of hive health and surrounding environmental conditions.

Collaboration with ESA

With the support of ESA (European Space Agency), we have developed an algorithm capable of analyzing the types of terrain present on your site and especially within a radius of 5-10-15km from your site. The analysis is a comparative analysis between the site of interest and a control area, thus allowing a real comparison and understanding of the real positive or negative impact of your site on biodiversity.

Layers and Monitoring Indices

Monitoring indices allow us to understand the biodiversity health status of your site and how it evolves and improves over time through activated regeneration solutions.


Displays the distribution and classification of land cover and urban areas. Provides detailed information on terrain type and land use, identifying various categories such as forests, agriculture, urban areas, and wetlands.

How to Improve Biodiversity Score?

What Your Company Gets


Digital Oasis

A digital platform that allows you to access all information about your sites and monitor the biodiversity status within them in real-time.


Report & Score

Reports and scores compliant with GRI and SBTN, necessary for your non-financial reporting or sustainability report.

Digital Oasis Dashboard

From your Digital Oasis, you can observe the monitoring indices of your site, view contents received from growers, listen to pollinator sounds, and consult your biodiversity report.


Monitor the biodiversity health status of your site in real-time and share the dashboard with collaborators, clients, and stakeholders.

Biodiversity Report


What is the Report

The biodiversity protection and monitoring projects carried out by 3Bee are based on the use of proprietary technologies that provide clear and transparent KPIs. These translate into a report provided annually to partners: a useful tool for communicating biodiversity baseline and/or actions taken within the company's sustainability balance.


What is it for

The report provided by 3Bee to partners is in line with ESG taxonomy and conforms to international reporting standards, including ESRS E4 and GRI 101. The report also promotes clear communication with stakeholders, ensuring full transparency.


What Should It Contain

The report consists of a summary of environmental performance data for the site and control area, followed by a detailed description of the methodology, monitoring technology, and biodiversity indices.

Scientific Partners

We collaborate with prestigious research institutes and universities to promote the importance of biodiversity conservation.


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The companies that have chosen us

What do the partners we accompany on their environmental sustainability journey think.


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Start your journey to make a real impact on biodiversity protection by helping to achieve your ESG goals.

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3Bee and its projects impact several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly 13 - Climate Action, 15 - Life on Land, and 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities. Regarding the Sustainability Balance, the GRI Standards (Global Reporting Initiative) that 3Bee intervenes with its regeneration projects include the following: GRI 302, GRI 304, GRI 305, GRI 404, GRI 413.