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Lombardia, IT

I am part of 3Bee's 'Oasis of Biodiversity' project. You can adopt one of my hives. This project allows me to regenerate biodiversity by caring for bees using innovative technologies developed by 3Bee. Here you can choose to adopt your hive from a distance and I will take care of it using the best techniques.

My history

Sita nell 'oltrepo pavese was born in 2011, but my passion for bees had blossomed a decade earlier, when on Sundays going to visit my uncle I saw a gentleman with a white beard who spent the day checking his bees in the adjacent field. Now the farm runs a nomadic organic beekeeping business with 250 hives. We produce acacia honey from the Ticino park to the hills beyond the Po Valley, chestnut honey from the Apennines in the Savona area, lime honey from the upper Val Sesia and mixed flower honey from our alfalfa meadows in the Oltrepo Pavese area, and at the end of the season, after the treatments, we take the bees up into the hills to collect the precious pollen from the ivy, which we obviously leave to them. We collect chestnut pollen during the June flowering season. We produce our own queens, which we use to replace any orphaned ones and to form new families that will be used for farm replacement or for sale.

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What do you adopt

Together with the 3Bee agronomists we analyzed the best set of Plants to regenerate the soil, produce nectar and restore biodiversity to the area. Selected dozens of Italian Growers among Beekeepers and Farmers, provided them with the plants free of charge. We pay them every year for every plant they care for and grow. Adopt a plant that helps sustainable beekeeping and farming communities, produce nectar for bees and absorb Co2.

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What do you receive

If you choose to adopt trees and produce biodiversity, you will receive a digital certificate with all the impact data generated by your tree: the Name of the Tree, the Absorbed Co2, the Nectar produced. In addition, the link to your digital Oasis where you will see the tree grow and you can monitor it and share it with your friends. Our growers take photos and videos of the tree and the regenerated soil, so that you can get feedback on the positive impact you have created.

How to adopt your tree

  • 1. Filter by rare trees
  • 2. Choose the region and the type of tree
  • 3. Continue by choosing the tree and join the oasis
  • 4. Complete personalizing your adoption

Choose the region and the type of tree

Choose the tree and its grower


What is included

Environmental impactCare and growth of your tree through regenerative techniques.
Social impactEthical remuneration of the grower who will take care of the tree.
ESA monitoringBiodiversity analysis and mapping through ESA satellites.
Adoption CertificateCertificate of adoption of your tree.
Always TraceableTracked and located photos of your tree, stories about biodiversity.