Hero image
Profile image

Miele e Natura

Campania, IT
Bee mentor
240 million
The pollinated flowers by the bees I protect
240 thousand
The monitored bees that you can adopt
The kg of honey produced by the adoptable hives
3Bee Technological Hive Adoptions

I am part of 3Bee's 'Oasis of Biodiversity' project. You can adopt one of my hives. This project allows me to regenerate biodiversity by caring for bees using innovative technologies developed by 3Bee. Here you can choose to adopt your hive from a distance and I will take care of it using the best techniques.

My history

Our company was born out of a passion for bees, born more than 25 years ago by beekeeper Davide. Today it has become Miele & Natura and with the help of Jole, our sales manager, we carry on our cornerstones: Respect for animals and the environment, quality, passion. Our products are certified organic, non-heat-treated, artisanal and km0 from industry-free environments such as the lower Matese mountains. As a result, they boast organoleptic qualities that are not always easy to find. Defining oneself as 'ORGANIC APRICULTURE' means making one's company transparent to any kind of control. Inspections and controls are carried out not only by state control bodies, but also by the veterinary ASL, and only if all requirements correspond to the very strict parameters specified in EC Regulation 834/07 is "Organic Certification" issued. These controls and inspections do not stop when the certification is granted, but continue for all the years to come. In our beekeeping, therefore, only substances of natural origin are allowed, such as organic acids, essential oils or plant preparations, and the use of antibiotics, fungicides, synthetic acaricides, hormones, etc. is absolutely forbidden. Only organic wax (i.e. free of contaminating residues) is used inside each hive, the hives must be made of wood and even the external paint must be made of natural paints, so that there are no contaminating residues. Our products are different and you can feel it!

hive image
What do you adopt

Thanks to 3Bee technology, you can remotely adopt your chosen hives and monitor them 24 hours a day. By tracking the bees' main biological parameters - such as weight, temperature, humidity and sound intensity - you can follow their progress, growth and health status directly from your smartphone. The beekeeper will take care of your bees.

You will also receive your digital certificate via email. If the adoption is a gift, you can print it out and give it directly to the recipient.

what you receive image
What do you receive

If you choose to adopt hives and receive their honey, once your bees produce it, you will receive their honey directly to your home. All you have to do is select the favorite flowering, the amount of honey you want to receive, and wait for your bees to produce it.

We respect the bees' and beekeeper's production time, and you can check in your profile when the honey is scheduled to be delivered.
Meanwhile, from the app you can follow the work done by your bees.

The beekeeper does not currently have honey and hives available
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